Some questions of R and D :-

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Rules to be followed while coding :-
     1) Only printf and scanf should be written in main() function.
     2) Only functions from stdio.h , conio.h and stdlib.h library functions must be used.
     3) No global declaration of variables.
     4) Variables must be declared dynamically.

  1. Given a string, return the kth index of a string where k is a number.
  2. Given a string, return the length of the string.
  3. Given a string, return the no.of vowels and consonants in the string.
  4. Given a string, return the first word of the string.
  5. Given a string, return the kth index from the end.
  6. Given a string, return the last word in the string.
  7. Given a string, return the no. Of words in the string.
  8. Given a string, return the substring from i to j where I,j are inputs.
  9. Given an integer array of size N, which has only values 0's and 1's. sort the array.
  10. Given an integer array of size N, write a function to return the Maximum and Minimum values of the array.
  11. Given an array of size N, and two index inputs I and J, remove all elements from I to J (both inclusive) in the array. return the same array to main
  12. Given an unsorted integer array of length N, find the maximum chain of -ve numbers in the array.
    example: input: 1 -2 -3 6 -4 -2 -1 14 2 14 output is 3 (-4 -2 -1 :- 3 elements chain)
  13. Give an array, a value and perform the left rotation on array that value times and print the result ,
    Ex:-array is 1234 and value is 3 then result is 2341.
  14. Sorting techniques
  15.   a) bubble
      b) insertion
      c) selection
      d) quick
      e) merge sort
    If you interested do
      f) heap
      g) radix.
  16. Searching techniques using recursion.
  17. Give an array and find first and second largest elements in the array.
  18. Give an array and print the reverse of the array (integer or character array).
  19. Given an array of size n and find mean, median, standard deviation and variance.
  20. Give an array of rows 'm' and columns 'n' dynamically and find trace of the matrix and find the sum of the elements in the 'i' th row and 'j' th column of the array.
  21. Give an array and check weather it is palindrome or not.
  22. Given a number, right rotate the number by one digit. for example: input 12345 and output should be 51234.
  23. Given an integer, convert the number to string. example: 1234 output: "1234" as string.
  24. Given an array of +ve numbers and -ve numbers (in any random order) find the average of all the +ve numbers and -ve numbers. Also compute the total array average.
  25. Given a character array where every index element is just one character, find out which character occurs more in the array.
  26. Given three numbers, find the LCM of the three numbers.
  27. Write a function which takes a date as input and finds whether that is a correct date or not.
  28. Given a number find out whether the number is divisible by 11 or not. use the divisibility rule, not by multiplication, division.
  29. Given 3 co-ordinates, write a function to find out the type of triangle.
  30. Write a function to find the length of a given string.
  31. Write a function which takes an array as input and finds out the two largest values of the array.
  32. Given a no compute the reveres of the no.
  33. Write a function to generate the nth fibbinoci no.
  34. Given a no find out whether the no divisible by 11 or not (first convert the no in to array).
  35. Smallest and largest in an integer array.
  36. First two largest no’s in an array.
  37. Gcd of two given no’s.
  38. Given an array of size n &two indices values i,j then remove the sub array from i to j.
  39. Create a structure of student with student name ,roll no,marks,subject.
  40. 1st classwork (Vth sem)

  41. Given a number. Write a function to return the sum of all digits to the main program.
  42. Given a number find out whether the number is divisible by 11 or not.
  43. Given 3 co-ordinates, write a function to find out the type of triangle.
  44. Write a function to find the length of given string.
  45. Write a function which takes an array as input and find out the largest two values in the array.
  46. Write a function to generate the Nth fibonacci number.
  47. Write a function to prit a date in english.
  48. Write a function which takes a date and finds whether that is a valid date or not.
  49. 1st class home work (Vth sem)

  50. Given two strings,print the common characters in the two string
    eg: i/p: aabc, aaba o/p:aab
  51. Given a string,find the most occured character(if more than one character exist print all of them )
    eg: i/p:aaabba o/p a
  52. Given a string, print sum of ascii values of its characters.
  53. Given an integer array,and given an number,print no. of numbers in the array are greater and lesser than given number.
    eg: [1,2,3,5,6], 5 o/p Greater 1 and Lesser:3
  54. Given an integer array,print the length longest negative chain
    eg [-1-2,3,4,-5,-6,-7] o/p 3 (Same as 12th one).

  55. 2nd class and home work (Vth sem)

  56. Given a decimal number, and a base. convert into base values.
  57. Given an array of numbers. What is the least sum of any two
  58. Given an array of numbers. What is the least sum of any 'n' numbers.
  59. Given two strings. Print there occurencees in two strings.
         - ravi
         - venkat
         - o/p :-
         - a: 1 , 4,
  60. Given a sorted array. sort the misplaced elements.
  61. Given two arrays. Bind the third array with common elements in two strings.
  62. Join two sortd arrays one in ascending and another in descending orders.
  63. Given a string like "123,456". Find the highest among the two numbers and return it in string format.
  64. 3rd Class and Homework(Vth sem)

  65. Given an array which has only 0,1,2 numbers. sort the array.
  66. Given two numbers in array format in 'reverse'. Add them and print the answer as integer array, that too in reverse order.
  67. ex :     num1: 234
              num2: 999
              oup : 1341
  68. Given a string. Find the number of occurences of each character in the string.
  69. Given two sorted arrays. Find the median of combined sorted array.
  70. 4th Class and Homework(Vth sem)

  71. Convert the binarycode in strings to decimal.
  72. Find the product of all the elements in the given array, except at the given index.
  74. Add two binary numbers given as strings and display the result as string.
  75. Eg:
  76. Given a string as "10,20". Find the greater number.
  77. Eg: 123,455 o/p: 455
  78. Given a sorted array, in which some of the array is reverse. Fix it.


C-Basics »

  1. sum : Write a function which takes two numbers as input and returns sum of two numbers.
  2. swap : Write a function which takes two numbers as input and swaps those two numbers.
  3. count : Given 2 integers (num1, num2), write a function that returns the count of numbers between the num1..num2 that are divisible by num1.
  4. isOlder : Given date of births of two persons, find who is older.
  5. variableArguments : A school has unknown number of students. Write a function that takes a variable number of arguments representing student marks in english and returns the number of students who scored > 90 marks

C-Arrays »

  1. studentsCount : Write a function that takes ascending sorted student's score array and tells how many number of students got more marks and how many students got less marks than the given student.
  2. sortedArrayInsertNumber : Given a sorted array, insert a given number into the array at appropriate position.
  3. sortedArrayPositionsChange : In a given ascending sorted array, two numbers are changed their position, please fix those two numbers.
  4. scoresDescendingSort : You are given scores for students of a class in alphabetical order. Write a function that sorts these scores in descending order.
  5. removeArrayDuplicates : given an array that has duplicate values remove all duplicate values.
  6. topKStudents : You are given scores for students of a class in alphabetical order. Write a function that returns the names and scores of top K students.

C-Strings »

  1. NumbertoStr : Given a float number, Convert it into a string.
  2. KthIndexFromEnd : Given a string, return the Kth index from the end of the string.
  3. StrWordsinRev : Given a string, reverse all the words not the string.
  4. removeSpaces : Given a string, remove all spaces in it.
  5. commonWords : Given two strings, find the words that are common to both the strings.